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Italy is for many synonymous with great food, warmth and passion. This is embodied in the Amasole wines from the producer Pertinace out of Piedmont. The name Amasole comes from Amore, which in Italian means love, and Sole, which is the Italian word for sun.

The brand is established in the market and needed to be recognizable for today's consumers, as well as tantalizing for tomorrow’s. Trends and consumer expectations change over time and the past years this development has accelerated. So that’s where we came in.

Our research shows that consumers want the products they choose to always feel fresh, authentic and in-line with the competition. We created a new brand look that conveys both the regional authenticity what the customers need to see and feel.

We have given the brand some TLC, Tender, Love and Care, to enhance the amazing original look..

Things we’ve done:

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